Thwarting the plans against God's people.

Proven Track Record
USA, UK, Israel
Using the platform
Revenue Generated
More than just a platform, we
partner with YOU
Grow your ministry
Earn revenue for your ministry by charging for exclusive content on a censorship free platform. Keep your logo, colors and theme.
Private Mobile App
Give your members access to a private mobile app. Each client gets their own uniquely branded app for iPhone and Android.
Eliminate Censorship
Eliminate censorship from your content. A private community behind a paywall is blocks search engine bots. Say what you want to say, how you want to say it.
Our solutions are scalable and can grow with your business, ensuring that you get the most value. 20 users? No problem. 1 million+ users? No problem.
Features in our platform
Solving challenges in different ministries, every day.
Partner with Us for to grow your Ministry
We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and help you determine which of our services best fit your needs.
Your benefits:
- Community Platform
- Mobile Apps
- Cancel-Free
- Ministry Builder
- Security
- FREE Setup
What happens next?
We Schedule a call at your convenience
We do a discovery and consulting meting
We prepare a proposal
Schedule a Free Consultation
Recognized by the best
We service a wide variety of ministries and individuals including best selling author J Warner Wallace, David Wood, Michael Heiser and more. We are partnered with other ministries around the globe including King of Kings ministries, CMJ Israel, Redemption Leadership Academy, and